We provide the featured services below in the North Tucson (85718, 85750), Northwest Tucson (85704) and Oro Valley (85737) areas. We will provide all necessary supplies to perform the services in the comfort of your home or office.
Visceral Manipulation / Fertility Massage is a deep, pelvic-organ manipulation where the reproductive organs are mobilized to restore natural blood flow and mobility. One style I have training in is Mercier Therapy, Hethir fertility massage, Nurturing the mother fertility massage by Claire Marie and fertility massage at Institute of Soma
Visceral Manipulation / Fertility Massage is a deep, pelvic-organ manipulation where the reproductive organs are mobilized to restore natural blood flow and mobility. One style I have training in is Mercier Therapy, Hethir fertility massage, Nurturing the mother fertility massage by Claire Marie and fertility massage at Institute of Somatic Therapy.
Visceral Manipulation for fertility is done with the clothes on and will be above the pelvic bone on the abdomen, back , glutes and legs. Please wear comfortable clothing, stretchy pants or shorts and sports bra is optimal. VM helps restore natural and optimal reproductive function. If this area isn’t properly rehabilitated the organs will become less functional. 40% of women are affected by mechanical issues that cause infertility. The uterus needs to be prepared to optimal functionality before conception.
Visceral Manipulation - Fertility Techniques Another style I trained in was developed by Hethir Rodriguez. He has a study published in the Jan/Feb 2008 issue of Alternative Therapies that visceral manipulation has a 71% success rate of pregnancy with IVF and 66% success rate with embryo transfer within 12 months from treatments.
Studies have shown an 80% success rate of conception within 12 months following Mercier Therapy.
Visceral Manipulation technique can be used solely as a treatment or in collaboration with treatments from your Reproductive Endocrinologist, OBGYN, and other healthcare specialties. Give yourself the best chance for conception.
The Shared Journey with Mercier Therapy is a documentary film created by Jennifer Mercier, Creator of Mercier Therapy. The film is a great introduction into Mercier Therapy and is a must watch for anyone interested in the process.
Visceral Manipulation for fertility is done with the clothes on and will be above the pelvic bone on the abdomen, back, glutes and legs. Please wear comfortable clothing, stretchy pants or shorts and sports bra is optimal.
If you have any of the following issues, you may need to schedule later, get a doctor's permission or unable to receive Visceral Manipulation.
Pregnancy - (cannot receive a treatment)
I.U.D., Essure or any intrauterine device that is used to prevent pregnancy - (cannot receive treatment)
Abdominal Mesh - (will not be able to receive treatment)
Gonorrhea - (will need to wait till you have completed the whole treatment 8 weeks and no longer have it)
Syphilis - (will need to complete treatment)
Infection - (will need to be on anti-biotics for 3 days)
Covid Vaccination - (wait 3 days after injection or if you have any side effects until they are gone)
Inflammation in the abdomen - (wait till inflammation is gone
Chronic Inflammatory Abdominal Disease - (will need doctor's consent to receive Visceral Manipulation)
Endometriosis - (cannot receive treatment while menstruating)
Pregnancy brings on so many physical and emotional changes. Clear Blossom we provide Prenatal Massage to help reduce stress in expecting mothers. Stress causes vomiting, nausea and spontaneous abortion. Stress also reduces the blood supply to the uterus by up to 65% which causes lower fetal heart rate, interferes with brain development, i
Pregnancy brings on so many physical and emotional changes. Clear Blossom we provide Prenatal Massage to help reduce stress in expecting mothers. Stress causes vomiting, nausea and spontaneous abortion. Stress also reduces the blood supply to the uterus by up to 65% which causes lower fetal heart rate, interferes with brain development, increase the risk of miscarriages, prematurity, prolong labor with more complications and post-partum complications.
Prenatal massage also helps increase deep sleep, relieve physical and emotional tension, improve back and leg pain, reduces edema, reduces sciatic nerve pain, improves breathing and respiration, reduces heart burn and stimulates blood flow.
Pregnancy Massage Contraindications and Warnings
High Risk Pregnancies requires written release from physician.
Diabetic Mother
Cardiac Disorders- heart disease
Chronic Hypertension
Previous Problem in Pregnancy – previous miscarriage
Mothers under 20 or over 35
Asthmatic Mother
Suspected RH Negative Mother or other genetic problems
Drug addictions or exposure to drugs
Previous multiple births
Incompetent cervix
Complications due to DES used during pregnancy
Lung or live disorder
Severe anemia
Convulsive disorders
Abnormal Fetal Heartbeat
Decrease or absence of fetal movement
Intrauterine growth retardation
Lupus Erythematosus
Poor lifestyle habits (drug abuse, poor nutrition, smoking, alcohol consumption)
Low weight gain
No prenatal care
Possible Miscarriage – (bloody discharge, continual abdominal pains, sudden gush of water or leakage of amniotic fluid)
Urinary Tract Infections – (very frequent urination with burning, low back pain increases in thirst and decrease in urination, chills and fever with 100-degree temperature or higher)
Pre-eclampsia – (toxemia of pregnancy, if neglected or not treated properly may develop true eclampsia)
Eclampsia (Toxemia) - (sudden rapid weight gain, systemic edema, increased blood pressure (hypertension), protein in urine, increased headaches)
Massage contraindications are:
Blood Clots
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Infectious skin diseases
flu or fever - (will need to wait till symptoms have passed)
Pregnancy - (cannot be in the first trimester and must wait till until second trimester)
Can receive Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Melanie teaches parents, caregivers or anyone who wants to learn how to massage an infant up to one year old.
Interesting Facts:
Tiffany Fields (Touch Research Institute) conducted a study 20 pre-mature babies. They had a 47% percent weight gain per day increase, more mature neurological development than infants who did not receive mas
Melanie teaches parents, caregivers or anyone who wants to learn how to massage an infant up to one year old.
Interesting Facts:
Tiffany Fields (Touch Research Institute) conducted a study 20 pre-mature babies. They had a 47% percent weight gain per day increase, more mature neurological development than infants who did not receive massage.
According to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center infant massage may help with strengthening the immune system, improved digestive, nervous system, more sleep and increased muscle tone.
Infant massage helps with:
Establishing trust
Brain development
Reduction of colic
Increased sooth ability
Better digestion
Weight gain
Improved sleep
The training takes about an hour.
Covid Vaccinations - (wait 3 days after vaccinations or side effects have passed)
History of Cancer - (if it has been less than 3 years must have doctor's written approval.)
Fertility massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Prenatal massage
Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a technique that helps clear your lymphatic system and reduce swelling.
The treatments also have many other health benefits such as:
Manual Lymphatic Drainage helps with skin issues such as Acne, Rosacea and Eczema and it is also used in anti-aging.
Plastic Surgery, C-Section, Post-Op Surger
Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a technique that helps clear your lymphatic system and reduce swelling.
The treatments also have many other health benefits such as:
Manual Lymphatic Drainage helps with skin issues such as Acne, Rosacea and Eczema and it is also used in anti-aging.
Plastic Surgery, C-Section, Post-Op Surgery and Torn Meniscus
is amazing for pre- and post-op. Recovery after surgery usually takes 9-12 months to completely heal after surgery but with a series of Lymphatic treatments it can reduce recovery periods to as little as 6 weeks to 3 months.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage helps with:
Recommended treatments for optimal results is 3-5 pre -op and 3-5 post-op
Manual Lymphatic Drainage is great for women trying to get pregnant or are pregnant. It helps with keep immune system functioning optimally, milk production , stretch marks, c-section scar, faster recovery after delivery, constipation, edema and weight reduction do to fluid.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage helps with male fertility by increasing sperm count and veracity
MLD also helps with Down Syndrome, Chrons, Multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's
If you have any of the following issues we may need to reschedule, wait to schedule or get doctor's permission to receive MLD.
Dental infection - (postpone until infection is clear)
Botox, Fillers or neuro-toxins- (will need to wait two weeks after injections)
Covid Vaccination- (3 days after injection or side effects are gone)
Heart, Kidney or Liver failure- (will need doctor's written approval)
History of Cancer - (will need doctor's written approval)
Flu or Fever (need to wait till you are not sick)
Infection (will need to be on 3 days of anti-biotics and infection will need to be gone)
Unknown skin issues that look like infection or could be contagious- (will need to clear up or doctor's approval)
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) - (will need to be clear for two years)
If you are pregnant:
Morning Sickness- (will need to wait till you are not getting morning sickness)
All High-Risk pregnancies- (will need doctor's written approval)
Benefits of Massage Therapy
Helps with anxiety, digestive disorders, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Insomnia related to stress, Muscle pain, Soft tissue strains and pain, Sports injuries and Relaxation. We will have a discussion about your needs and tailor the massage to you.
Massage contraindications are:
Blood Clots
Deep Vein Thrombos
Benefits of Massage Therapy
Helps with anxiety, digestive disorders, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Insomnia related to stress, Muscle pain, Soft tissue strains and pain, Sports injuries and Relaxation. We will have a discussion about your needs and tailor the massage to you.
Massage contraindications are:
Blood Clots
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Infectious skin diseases
flu or fever - (will need to wait till symptoms have passed)
Covid Vaccination- wait three days after shot or any negative reactions have passed.
Botox or neurtoxins- Wait two weeks after treatment.
dermal fillers- wait two weeks after treatment before receiving a massage.
Pregnancy - Must have doctor's permission in first trimester.
Can receive Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Clear Blossom is available for chair massage corporate events like customer appreciation days/ parties. Each treatment can be tailored. chair massages usually are 10-20 minutes long for each individual. we can tailor the event.
6 treatments are recommended for fertility success according to research. fertility massage takes about 45 minutes to an hour. client will need to wear comfortable clothing for treatment.
Specialized massage for pregnant women to reduce stress on weight-bearing joints and to encourage blood and lymph circulation.This is like swedish massage but with deeper pressure in the muscles . The massages are customized upon consultation to fit your needs. Stretching can also be included.
Infant Massage Training is a class taught to a caregiver to massage an infant (up to 12 months of age). This training takes about an hour.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage helps clear the Lymph System for health benefits. The treatment takes approximately one hour depending on client's needs.
Customized massage based on individual needs
Chair massage for events and parties
Check out my new fertility video.
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